Minor bitsturbed update

Hey All,

Minor update, a compatibility fix for Windows7 users. We are up to Aplha v0.0.2. Check the bitsturbed page for the update.

The game so far has been designed and engineered on Windows8 with Windows10 being in the test environment. I’ll be adding Windows7 into the mix too in the future.


Bitsturbed Alpha Demo

After a number of tireless months, an Alpha demo of the game Bitsturbed is out and ready to download 🙂 It’s been a lot of fun to make and I’ve loved every minute of it.

It comes with 3 weapons and 2 enemies spread over 2 levels 🙂 Gives a nice little taste of the dialog system as well as some of the special effects. The weapons are very militaristic, although with the exception of a shotgun, future weapons will be a little less conventional 🙂

Checkout the Bitsturbed page for screenshots and the download! I hope you enjoy!


Details on Bitsturbed!

The first game in development on this site is now up! Working title of ‘Bitsturbed’. Look at it’s page for details on the game.

Bitsturbed has been in ‘official’ development for 4 months (beginning September 2015), although unofficially it is using tech I developed that has been floating around for over a decade. Finally amalgamated into one game!

It is not using Unity, GameMaker or FPS Creator. Bitsturbed is being developed with my own engine called ‘miniFPS’. Which will eventually have variants like ‘miniRPG’ and ‘miniSideScroller’. A lot of exciting ideas for the future.
